Become a Chapter Leader

Become a Chapter Leader

Each year, we invite our members to apply to serve on the CoreNet Global India Chapter Board. Positions are voluntary and offer our members the chance to serve as Chapter Leaders on one of our following committees:

  • Executive Committee
  • University Relations Director
  • Young Leader Director
  • Membership Committee
  • Events Committee

Chapter Leaders have the opportunity to influence the direction of Chapter initiatives, support the growth of the Chapter, and help us achieve our goals to give our community a membership experience that will accelerate their career development.

Board positions run concurrent to the fiscal year. Applications for our next Chapter Leader appointments will open in January 2025 to serve from April 2025 to March 2026.

Members will be notified by email when applications open. If you are interested in applying to become a Chapter Leader and are not currently receiving emails from us, please contact Binita Jain to add your name to our mailing list.

Selection Guidelines

  • The member should be in good standing with CoreNet Global (i.e. your membership should be renewed for 2024 for your application to be considered)
  • If you are a new member (i.e. a member for less than a year), we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the organization and apply in the following year
  • Finally, members may not serve on the CoreNet Global Board if they are already on the board of any competing trade or professional society, association or membership organization