Dinakar Doraikannu
Property Project Manager
Volvo Group India
Tell us about your career?
I am a civil engineer by profession, and I have 14+ years of experience in construction management, project management, facility & property management for well-known companies.
I am currently working with Volvo Group Real Estate as Property Project Manager. My responsibilities include managing property, project & facility management, and supporting safety, sustainability & CSR works at the Hoskote industrial site.
What’s the best part of being associated with the CoreNet Global India Chapter?
My association with CoreNet started in 2018 & it’s the best professional platform to collaborate with CRE industry peers. I thoroughly enjoyed the MCR sessions and I am very proud of the fact that I was selected as Young Leader of the year by the CoreNet Global India Chapter in 2019!
What excites you about working in the CRE profession?
As CRE professionals, we play a significant role in creating the best-in-class work environments for our colleagues allowing them to thrive at work each day.
What’s your message to the next-gen of CRE professionals?
Be passionate and patient and always give your best! Hard work will never go unrecognized!
Posted in November 2021